Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day

I've been meaning to post something about Mother's Day, but I just haven't had a chance with it being the end of the school year. The kids only have 12 days left, I have 16! This week is the week of the dreded EOG Testing (ahhh!... only one more day left though! Yay!).

Back to Mother's Day... My mom is amazing. She is a strong, loyal, dedicated, and without a doubt an awesome woman. She is a wonderful role model. Rarely do we go without talking everyday- most of the times it's multiple emails and atleast one phone call a day! She is my rock, my shoulder to cry on, my best friend, and my cookbook! What she doesn't know is that I'm her biggest fan! I'm so thankful for the relationship I have with her!

Here is an image of my Mom I took recently. She just happened to be a guest at a wedding I photographed!

Isn't she beautiful!?!?! Love you Mom! XOXO


  1. AWW..Meg that is so sweet!! She is a wonderful mother...you are just as wonderful too!! I love you both!!!

  2. I am so very proud of you and your accomplishments. You have a gift! Your talents show just how professional you are! I am so thankful for you and our relationship too! I am your biggest fan!! Thank you for being my best friend and listening to me when I need vent!! I love you so much my talented daughter/photographer!!
