Monday, May 17, 2010

#74: Check

#74: Try deep sea fishing again


About 5 years ago, I went on my first deep sea fishing trip. Not only did we not catch any fish, but I was sick. I did get to enjoy the ride out to the blue water, but once we slowed down it was down hill from there. I had even taken motion sickness medicine and it didn't help any. I was miserable. So I told myself I probably wouldn't go again.


Then when I was making my 101 list I decided that this would be a good thing to add back to my list to see if I'd have a different experience. The day came last November; some family & friends of mine got together and met at the boat out of Oregon Inlet around 5:30am and headed out for a day of fishing, and it was a good one. Once we'd get one on the line- we'd have another - sometimes three. At times there were 3 of us reeling in fish at the same time.


That's me above. I wore one of those motion sickness patches behind my ear. Although I did get sick, it was only once and then I was good to go. I'd definitely love to go again.








1 comment:

  1. I had so much fun that day...we need to do it again, but this time I am wearing that patch!!!
