Camille is the newest Meredith Angel or NC State Wolfpacker! :) I'm sure Mom & Dad (and me too) would be happy either way! Miss Camille wasn't due to arrive until sometime between Christmas and New Year's, but decided she didn't want to miss anything and actually arrived just a few days before Thanksgiving- just in time to share in all of the holidays! Although she had to spend a little extra time in the hospital until she could come home, she is loved none-the-less. Camille weighed in at just under 6 lbs. during her session, which I think might be the record for the smallest baby I've ever photographed. She was such a trooper during her session, sleeping most of the time, but would open her cute eyes and look at us for a quick second and then she'd go right back to snoozin'!

Since it was so close to Christmas, Mom and I discussed doing a flat art linen card where one side was their Christmas Card and the other was Camille's birth announcement information. So, we decided to take a few images with the holiday theme as well.

Congrats Laura & Nick. Thank you for sharing Camille with me. She's an absolute angel! :)