Wow, it's been a while since I posted one of these. Things are busy around here keeping up with a one year old that is on the verge of walking and has mastered the art of crawling. Quickly.

And this week's
*Root Beer*: Sorry I'm just not a fan.
*Clutter*: Seems like clutter has taken over these days. I try to be very organized really, but the clutter just keeps piling up. I hope to show it who's boss this week!

And this week's
Seasons Finale's: The past few weeks have been full of season finales. Private Practice and Grey's Anatomy were awesome finale's. Grey's blew me away. The Season Finale of 24 was last night but my TV decided it didn't want to cooperate, so I haven't seen it yet. Crossing that my
DVR atleast worked, so 24 is on the agenda for tonight. I'm excited. And although I've never watched it, I heard the LOST finale was pretty awesome. This week is also the season finale of Dancing with the Stars and American Idol for any fans out there.
*Birthdays*: Today is Scott's Birthday! I'm extremely thankful for him!
*Sunsets*: What can I say? I was blessed to grow up on the water. All I had to do was look out of my front door and see a beautiful sunset over the water. This past Sunday a thunderstorm with LOTS of rain blew through. It left us just in time to catch the sun peeking down under the clouds as it was setting. The sky was a lovely purple which reflected onto the water, making the water purple too. Take a look....
*Weddings*: I had the opportunity to photograph two weddings so far this month. It's so wonderful seeing two people joining together to start a new life together. Stay tuned for images from these weddings and much more!