*Cancer: Seriously? I feel like I know too many people who are dealing with cancer at the moment. Why must something so yucky even exist? I wish a cure would be found soon!
*Wal-mart: Although I do a lot of shopping and Wal-mart and I'm sure that I'll continue to do so, why, oh why, do they not only bother but spend the money on 23 cash registers and check out lanes if they are only going to have TWO open. Seriously? TWO out of twenty-three?
*My Blackberry: Does anyone else's Blackberry freeze? Like two or three times a day? It use to not do this- maybe I'm not holding my mouth just right anymore?!?!
*Wet Flip-flops: I always seem to fall or almost twist my ankle once my flops get wet and I try to walk. If not then they make the most awful sounds. Don't know which is more embarrassing: the sounds or me falling. ha!

*Warriors: There are many warriors out there. When I think of Warriors I think of people battling said cancer above as well as their family members. I just had to share the following story: My friend, Lisa, has a son, age 7, who is battling cancer. This is her second child who has faced this battle. This weekend was her son, Hayden's 8th birthday and from the looks of it he had an awesome weekend. I wanted to give a shout out to Hayden and wish him a Happy Birthday but to also give a shout out to the ROC SOLID Foundation and the Norfolk Police Department for reaching out to Hayden during his battle.
You can click here to read an article about Hayden's weekend. And a shout out to Lisa, the rest of Hayden's family and all other family members who have a loved one who is battling cancer at the moment, you ROCK too! Your encouragement and courage for your loved ones is amazing!
*CMT's Singing Bee: Seriously, I really like this show, not only does the host crack me up but i love to see what some people really think the lyrics to a song are. Hilarious! Most nights I really think I could totally be on the show. But you'd all probably turn the channel if you were watching because of my horrendous vocals! :)
*100 Calorie Lorna Doone Cookies: Probably one of the best cookies I've had in a long time, and the best part about them... only 100 Calories, duh! My sister-in-law turned me on to these and I can't thank her enough! Yum-O!
Hope you all are having a fabulous Tuesday!
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